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WHIZZ POP BANG is a monthly magazine brimming with top-quality science for children aged six to twelve. Our NEW downloadable resources link hands-on science experiments with key curriculum topics for years 2 to 6. The resources include lesson plans, hands-on investigations, PowerPoint presentations, games, science texts and guided reading comprehensions – all aimed at making science fun and engaging for children and teachers alike!




WHIZZ POP BANG is a monthly magazine brimming with top-quality science for children aged six to twelve. Our NEW downloadable resources link hands-on science experiments with key curriculum topics for years 2 to 6. The resources include lesson plans, hands-on investigations, PowerPoint presentations, games, science texts and guided reading comprehensions – all aimed at making science fun and engaging for children and teachers alike!
P5 Reading Science: Nature Detective

P5 Reading Science: Nature Detective

In this interview text for P5, linking to the topic biodiversity and interdependence, Tristan Gooley explains how he uses nature to help him navigate and explore the world. He gives some top tips on how to use signs of nature on a journey, how he uses science in his job, how he became a natural navigator and lots more! The downloadable reading pack includes: An A3 reading spread for you to print. Reading comprehension question and answer sheets, differentiated using our magnifying glasses key (on the bottom right). One magnifying glass indicates easier and two means harder.
P3 Reading science wolves

P3 Reading science wolves

This non-chronological report for P3, linking to the topic of biodiversity and interdependence, investigates the howling members of the canine family, wolves. The text explains why they howl, what they eat, how they keep warm in winter and how many pups they have. The downloadable reading pack includes: Two differentiated A3 reading spreads for you to print. Reading comprehension question and answer sheets, differentiated using our magnifying glasses key (on the bottom right). One magnifying glass indicates easier and two means harder.
P3 reading Science: Fire engines

P3 reading Science: Fire engines

This explanation text for P3, linking to the topic Everyday materials, explains how fire engines work. Each part of the vehicle is labelled with an expanded caption - crew compartment, engine, water tank, water pump, hoses and much more. The downloadable reading pack includes: Two differentiated A3 reading spreads for you to print. Reading comprehension question and answer sheets, differentiated using our magnifying glasses key (on the bottom right). One magnifying glass indicates easier and two means harder.
P3 science investigate: Make a water pump

P3 science investigate: Make a water pump

An investigation for P3, linking to the topicproperties and uses of substances. Pupils will make a simple water pump and observe how it works. This activity can be turned into an investigation by either changing the level of the water, the length of the straw, how much air is put in the balloon or the size of the bottle. This lesson links well with the historical event taught in KS1 The Great Fire of London. This pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan A PowerPoint presentation entitled ‘Fire, Fire!’ Printable instructions to make the water pump A class investigation planning sheet A fire safety board game Simple to resource! The items you will need: Plastic bottles Straws Sticky tack Drawing pins Masking tape Balloons
KS2 Reading science marine biologist

KS2 Reading science marine biologist

A non-fiction text for lower keys stage two, this interview with Kelly Forsythe is great for animal lovers. Growing up on an island had a big influence on her decision to become a marine biologist. She was able to see first-hand how magical the ocean is, but also how fragile it is. So she decided she wasn’t going to wait around for someone else to come along and save it! This downloadable reading pack includes: An A3 reading spread for you to print. Reading comprehension question sheets, differentiated using our magnifying glasses key (on the bottom right). One magnifying glass indicates easier and two means harder. An answer sheet including the objective for each question, which is taken from the reading national curriculum.
Yr5 Science lesson on Gears

Yr5 Science lesson on Gears

In this lesson pack for year 5, linking to the topic forces, pupils will investigate how gears work and their purpose. Using bicycles, pupils will locate the gears and then count the number of rotations of the back wheel as it uses different gears. By the end of the lesson they will have gained an understanding of how gears work. This lesson pack includes: A lesson plan with cross-curricular links A PowerPoint presentation explaining bicycle gears An A4 How Stuff Works text on bikes
Year 2 science lesson about fish

Year 2 science lesson about fish

This lesson pack for year 2, linking to the topics living things and habitats, focuses on how fish and other sea creatures are adapted to live in their habitat. Pupils will learn the features of a fish, including all the different fin types. They will also learn how they can breathe underwater using their gills. They will create their own memorable 3D fish from a cardboard tube, including all its features. This pack includes: A differentiated lesson plan A PowerPoint presentation entitled ‘Fish’ A printable instructions sheet to make the 3D fish A printable diagram of a labelled fish The eco-club page to make a fish mobile Simple to resource! The items you will need: Kitchen roll tubes or toilet roll tubes Scissor Paint Glue
Reading science KS1 orcas

Reading science KS1 orcas

This non-chronological report for year 2 and P3, linking to the topics of living things and habitats and biodiversity and interdependence, investigates the watery world of a mammal, the orca, otherwise known as a killer whale. The text explains who they are related to, what they have in common with humans, how they communicate, why they are at risk, how they hunt their prey and much more! The downloadable reading pack includes: Two differentiated A3 reading spreads for you to print. Reading comprehension question and answer sheets, differentiated using our magnifying glasses key (on the bottom right). One magnifying glass indicates easier and two means harder.
Yr3 Reading Science Rocks: William Smith

Yr3 Reading Science Rocks: William Smith

This biography text for year 3, linking to the topics Rocks , describes the life of the historical scientist William Smith. Meet the engineer who created the first maps of the rock layers beneath the ground and became known as ‘the father of English geology’. This downloadable reading pack includes: An A3 reading spread for you to print. Reading comprehension question and answer sheets, differentiated using our magnifying glasses key (on the bottom right). One magnifying glass indicates easier and two means harder.
P6 Science Reading: Mechanical engineer

P6 Science Reading: Mechanical engineer

This interview with Josh Geating for P6, linking to the topic forces, describes his work as a robotics engineer. He explains what he does, what made him passionate about robotics and gives advice for how to get into the field. This downloadable reading pack includes: An A3 reading spread for you to print. Reading comprehension question and answer sheets, differentiated using our magnifying glasses key (on the bottom right). One magnifying glass indicates easier and two means harder.
Science reading: Interview with an elephant keeper yr2

Science reading: Interview with an elephant keeper yr2

This interview for P3, linking to the topicbiodiversity and interdependence, is with Dorothy Lowakutuk, an elephant keeper. Dorothy works at Reteti Elephant Sanctuary, Africa’s first community-owned elephant sanctuary, in northern Kenya. The text explains what it’s like to look after the elephants, be part of the Samburu community and much more! The downloadable reading pack includes: Two differentiated A3 reading spreads for you to print. Reading comprehension question and answer sheets, differentiated using our magnifying glasses key (on the bottom right). One magnifying glass indicates easier and two means harder.
Year 5 Science Reading: Solar Pannels

Year 5 Science Reading: Solar Pannels

This explanation text for year 5, linking to the topic earth and space, explains how solar panels create clean electricity from nothing more than sunlight. From rooftops to space stations, solar panels are an increasingly important source of renewable energy. This text explains the following technical vocabulary: phosphorus, photovoltaic cells and boron. This downloadable reading pack includes: An A3 reading spread for you to print. Reading comprehension question and answer sheets. Sign up at whizzpopbang.com/schools to access all of the teaching resources.
year 2 Reading Science Gorillas

year 2 Reading Science Gorillas

This non-chronological report for year 2 , linking to the topic living things and habitats , investigates the largest primate on the planet, the gorilla. The text explains what a group is called, what they eat, what they are closely related to, their habitat and much more! The downloadable reading pack includes: Two differentiated A3 reading spreads for you to print. Reading comprehension question and answer sheets, differentiated using our magnifying glasses key (on the bottom right). One magnifying glass indicates easier and two means harder. Discussion question to be used with a partner or as a whole class.
Yr6 Reading Science: Historical scientist Alice Ball

Yr6 Reading Science: Historical scientist Alice Ball

This biography text for year 6 describes Alice Ball’s life. Alice found a reliable way to turn chaulmoogra oil into a water-soluble medicine that could be injected and absorbed by the body. Alice’s discovery led to a new safe way to treat leprosy, which meant many people were discharged from hospital or could finally leave leper colonies and return home. This downloadable reading pack includes: An A3 reading spread for you to print. A reading comprehension question and answer sheet. We have launched a new individual membership option so teachers can access all of our amazing resources for just £20 for the whole year.
Yr 5 Reading science: Tourist attractions on Mars

Yr 5 Reading science: Tourist attractions on Mars

In this non-fiction text for year 5, linking with the topic Earth and Space, discover ten places on Mars which would be interesting to visit as a Martian tourist. Here are some examples: Olympus Mons, an enormous shield volcano, Korolev Crater, which is filled with ice all year round, Abalos Undae, a dune field located at Mars’s north pole, and Eberserwalde Delta, which is all that is left of an ancient river system. This downloadable reading pack includes: An A3 reading spread for you to print. Reading comprehension question and answer sheets, differentiated using our magnifying glasses key (on the bottom right). One magnifying glass indicates easier and two means harder. We’ve just launched a new individual membership option so teachers can access all of our amazing resources for just £20 for the whole year.
P3 Reading Science: Planting seeds

P3 Reading Science: Planting seeds

This reading comprehension instruction text for P3, linking to the science topic biodiversity and interdependence, explains how to take the seeds out of shop-bought tomatoes and turn them into tomato plants. This downloadable reading pack includes: Two differentiated A3 reading spreads for you to print. Reading comprehension question and answer sheets, differentiated using our magnifying glasses key (on the bottom right). One magnifying glass indicates easier and two means harder. We have launched a new individual membership option so teachers can access all of our amazing resources for just £20 for the whole year.
Year 5 Arctic foxes reading science

Year 5 Arctic foxes reading science

This non-chronological report for year 5 , linking to the topic living things and habitats, investigates Arctic foxes. The text explains how they have evolved and adapted to live in the Arctic tundra. This downloadable reading pack includes: A3 reading spread for you to print. Reading comprehension question and answer sheets, differentiated using our magnifying glasses key (on the bottom right). One magnifying glass indicates easier and two means harder. Discussion questions for the whole class or to be used with a partner.
yr5 Reading science: How big ships float

yr5 Reading science: How big ships float

Ever wondered why an enormous ship that weighs thousands of tonnes and is loaded with cargo doesn’t sink to the bottom of the sea? Find out what buoyancy, density, air and gravity have to do with it. This explanation text is for year 5 and P6 and links to the topic Forces. This downloadable reading pack includes: An A3 reading spread for you to print. Reading comprehension question and answer sheets, differentiated using our magnifying glasses key (on the bottom right). One magnifying glass indicates easier and two means harder. A set of discussion questions to use as a whole class or with a partner.
P4 Reading Science Compost

P4 Reading Science Compost

This explanation text for P4, linking to the topic biodiversity and interdependence, describes in detail how compost is made. Compost is the crumbly, dark soil-like material that gardeners use to feed plants they grow. It is made by recycling natural plant matter using a speeded-up and controlled version of a natural process called biodegradation (also known as rotting!). This downloadable reading pack includes: An A3 reading spread for you to print. Reading comprehension question and answer sheets, differentiated using our magnifying glasses key (on the bottom right). One magnifying glass indicates easier and two means harder.
P3 Reading Science Beatrix Potter

P3 Reading Science Beatrix Potter

This biography text for P3, linking to the topic Biodiversity and interdependence, describes the life of the historical scientist and author Beatrix Potter. Beatrix was curious about nature and made lots of paintings. Her paintings are so accurate that other people have used them to identify different species of plants and fungi. Find out about her life and how she developed as a scientist, as well as a well-known author. This downloadable reading pack includes: Two differentiated A3 reading spreads for you to print. Reading comprehension question and answer sheets, differentiated using our magnifying glasses key (on the bottom right). One magnifying glass indicates easier and two means harder.